(02) - Beyond Water

Biennial for Art and Urban Nature

01.09 – 01.10.2023

The essentials in brief (02) - Beyond Water - Biennial for Art and Urban Nature

Open-air works of art on the banks of Lake Geneva and a month-long programme of activities in partnership with scientific and environmental associations, to connect with the lake and its biodiversity.

Main Biennial venues

  • Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman ▶ Rue des Cordiers 2, 1207 Geneva
  • Bains des Pâquis ▶ Quai du Mont-Blanc 30, 1201 Geneva
  • Landing of the Mouettes genevoises des Pâquis ▶ 8 quai du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Geneva and around the 4 other landings.
  • Pointe à la Bise nature reserve ▶ 1245 Collonge-Bellerive
  • Maison de la pêche ▶ Quai Gustave Ador 81, 1207 Geneva
  • Bateau Genève ▶ Quai Gustave-Ador 1, 1207 Geneva and opposite directly on the quay
  • Jardin botanique alpin de Meyrin ▶ 1217 Meyrin
  • Lac des Vernes ▶ 1217 Meyrin

The second edition of the (re) biennial of art and urban nature aims to (re)focus attention on the natural elements that make up our urban environment. After exploring urban gardens and eco-neighbourhoods in 2021, the 2023 biennial of art and urban nature is taking shape around the theme of lakes and water.

Organised in collaboration with artistic and environmental associations and institutions, the biennial will feature works of art created by 25 local and international artists. In addition to the public art exhibition, a 30-day programme is on offer to visitors, including workshops, performances, screenings and lectures. A competition for young artists, bringing together 20 young artists from five Swiss art colleges, also provides an opportunity to discover up-and-coming talent in the field of environmental art.

The main focus of the biennial is Geneva's harbour, with art installations all within a five-minute walk of the "Mouettes genevoises" boat harbours. From the Eaux-Vives beach, to the Bateau Genève, via the Quai Gustave-Ador, to the Bains des Pâquis, the layout of the works and the focus will also give pride of place to places rich in biodiversity, such as the Pointe à la Bise and the Lac des Vernes.

(re) (02) – Beyond Water offers a unique experience for the public, enabling them to discover the works in a stimulating natural and social context. These spaces have a long history, and are at the heart of life in Geneva – providing an ideal setting for stimulating discussion and reflection on contemporary environmental issues.

In addition to the new works created specifically for the event and the projects presented by partners, the cartography, exhibition guide, and signage highlight nature projects in the city, as well as a selection of existing public works. This opening encourages an interdisciplinary approach to art and nature in the city, highlighting sustainable practices, and creating links between art and science to offer new angles of approach.

(re) (02) – Beyond Water highlights current offerings, and creates synergies to give these initiatives and existing public works visibility to other audiences. By highlighting artistic practices combined with scientific initiatives, the biennial encourages collective reflection on our role as individuals and as a society in protecting and preserving nature in the city.

In collaboration with: Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman (ASL) ● Association des Usagers des Bains des Pâquis ● Les Mouettes genevoises ● Pro Natura Genève ● Association pour le Bateau Genève ● La Libellule ● Festival du Film Vert ● Meyrin Durable ● Programme Nature en ville du Canton de Genève ● Haute-école d'art et de design (HEAD) ● Service des expositions de la Ville de Meyrin ● Association Anyone Can Sail.

Artists participating in this project (since 2021)


The exhibition (re) is a project of the Geneva-based association art-werk. art-werk is a non-profit association for the promotion and dissemination of art that is engaged with contemporary social and environmental issues. The association creates exhibitions and educational programmes, produces and offers free access to a regular podcast, articles and a newsletter focused on the links between art, science and societal issues.

With the support of : Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz, Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, La Fondation du Jubilé de la Mobilière Suisse Société Coopérative, Ville de Genève, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Meyrinoise du Casino, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Office fédéral de la culture, République et canton de Genève, Ville de Meyrin, Association d'usagères-ers-x des Bains des Pâquis, Fondation Gubler-Hablützel, Service de la culture du canton du Valais, Kulturförderung Graubünden, Adam Mickiewicz Institute.
